Here we discuss about basic civil engineer knowledge question. This question is important for exam and interview purpose. Here we read question point to point.
(1) PH of water shall not be less then 6.
(2) Spacers or chair should be placed at a maximum spacing of 1m.( its mean that in 1m^2 area chair provide 1)
(3) Lapping should not be taken for 36mm dia. large reinforcement . ( its mean that if dia. of reinforcement 36mm in the lapping zone then lapping is not provide .here we provide welding between both reinforcement). if weld is not provide on the site then we use spiral lapping.
(4) The dia. of reinforcement bar shall not exceed 1 / 8 of total thickness of slab.
(5) Minimum dia. of bar in column shall not be less than 12mm.
(6) Minimum distance between 2 RCC column is 2-3 meter .This types of RCC column is use in lift wall , shaft wall , stair.
(7) Maximum distance between 2 RCC column is 7m.
(8) Lintel thickness should be 15cm.
(9) parapet wall height should be 1m .
(10) Window height should be 120cm.
(11) D.P.C thickness should be 2.5cm.
(12) Plinth height should be 45cm.
(13) Measurement of stair riser should be 150cm.
(14) Plaster thickness at celling should be 6mm.
(15) Maximum deflection of a beam should be accepted in American standard:-
span length in mm / 360
(16) Initial setting time of cement should be 30minute( minimum) and 90 minute( maximum).
(17) Final setting time of ideal cement should be 10 Hrs.
(18) Bricks absorbed the water 1/ 5 or 1 / 6 water of brick in 24 Hrs.
(19) For chairs minimum of 12mm dia. should to be used.
(20) minimum thickness of slab is 125mm.
Title :
Question Of Basic Civil Engineer Knowledge ( Part 1)
Description : Here we discuss about basic civil engineer knowledge question. This question is important for exam and interview purpose. Here we read ques...
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